Thursday, June 21, 2007



The appointment of Jeff Carr as new "Gang Czar" of Los Angeles, as appointed by Hillary Clinton Campaign Co-Chair Antonio Villaraiogsa made me realize something:

It's a real shame. The U.S. tried to be good boys and girls, and play by the rules all these years. However, other countries didn't. And in a free market society, it doesn't matter how you make the money. As long as you have it. And this money is used to buy access and influence in the U.S. political system. And these people, now with the most money, are the gatekeepers who flick the switches by backing candidates. And they have both sides covered. So whether you are democrat or republican, one way or the other, if you wanna move to the next gotta make a deal with the devil, sell your soul, and hop on the bandwagon. You're not gonna get in trouble though. Cause no matter how high up the ladder you climb to complain, you are going to fall of deaf ears. Cause it goes all the way to the top, on either party, and you need a visa to follow the money trail leading to the controlling party. So all you can hope for out of this new gang czar is a more controlled and efficient approach to the distribution system. Cause we are living in a free market, global economy. And while we were playing by the rules, no one else was. And now, one way or the other, no matter who you take the matter to, you're gonna be complaining to a willing (or unwilling) cahootan riding the bandwagon. And believe it, or not...the effect of the steamroll has trickled all the way down to the incense and t shirt vendors on the street at Venice Beach. Cause greed has no mercy, and doesn't leave a square inch. Why not just hand them your wallet and leave the region now and save a lot of time and effort. (At least you'll be improving efficiency.)

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